Visit Reports
Visit to Salisbury and Stonehenge - July 15th 2015
On this trip we had a tour of the Cathedral and Magna Carta exhibition followed by 2 hrs at Stonehenge
Salisbury Cathedral: a Cathedral was completed 2 miles away in 1092 at Old Sarum; the present Gothic style Cathedral was begun in 1220. The main structures were finished in a relatively short time of 38 yrs - an amazing achievement that rivalled Canterbury, Winchester and Lincoln cathedrals. The cathedral was enlarged upwards between 1300 and 1320 by the tower and spire standing at 404 ft/123m.

There are many special features such as the font designed by the renowned British water sculptor William Pye. It was installed in September 2008 and dedicated by the Archbishop of Canterbury during the celebration of the 750th anniversary of the consecration of the Cathedral. Cruciform in shape, the font has a 3-metre span to allow total immersion baptism. It is a green bronze vessel with a local Purbeck Limestone plinth. Water is acting like an infinity pool. The mirror-like surface reflects and extends the surrounding architecture; getting a photo with the required reflection requires great patience, and an empty cathedral!
There are several examples of work by the embroiderers whose innovative modern pieces covered altar fronts as well as the clergy copes used on festival days.

Salisbury Cathedral is home to the largest and oldest complete set of choir stalls in the country, made in 1236 from oak provided by King Henry III.

The Trinity Chapel is dominated by the Prisoners of Conscience Window Designed by Gabriel Loire and made by him and his son Jacques in their workshop in Chartres. The window was unveiled in 1980 by Yehudi Menuhin. The Amnesty Prisoners of Conscience Candle is on the left.
The chapter house (1263-84) is a beautiful example of the Geometrical Decorated style, with rib vaults fanning out from a slender central pillar. Around the walls runs a medieval frieze (c.1250) with some 60 reliefs of scenes from Genesis and Exodus.

Salisbury Cathedral is home to the best-preserved copy of Magna Carta from 1215, 800 years ago. Elias of Dereham, priest and steward, brought the 1215 copy to Old Sarum in the days following events at Runnymede and it has remained in the Cathedral’s care ever since. The special exhibition fills the 13th century Chapter House. Here, visitors are able to understand the making of the document, its unique connections to Salisbury, and its global legacy.
Stonehenge - later in the day
Stonehenge is 9 miles away from Salisbury; entry to Stonehenge is now managed through timed tickets and advance booking is required. The Visitor Centre opened December 2013, an impressive part of a £27m makeover of the site. We found the "free" audio guides were excellent, providing a choice of levels of detail and extra information. Recent information from Radar & Laser Scanning equipment suggests that there are 15 previously undiscovered monuments hidden underneath the ancient stone monument of Stonehenge.